The Gospel of John: Jesus, the Life Giver
Humans are looking for life, a life of flourishing. How is the life achieved? How do we attain it? John, in his Gospel, shows us that Jesus is the Life-giver, and in order to have life, we must trust, believe, and follow Him.

Jesus, the Life Giver | John 1:1-18

Jesus, the Life Giver | John 1: 19-28

Jesus, the Life Giver | John 1: 29-34

Jesus, the Life Giver | John 1: 35-39

Jesus, the Life Giver | John 1:40-51

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 2:1-11

Jesus, The Life Giver: John 3:1-8

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 3:9-21

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 3:22-36

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 4:1-4

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 5: 1-9a

Jesus the Life Giver: John 5:9b-18

Jesus, the Life Giver: John 5:19-29

Jesus' Witness: John 5:30-47

True Sustenance Comes Only From Jesus: John 6: 1- 15

Lord of the Sea: John 6: 16-21

Proper Motives: John 6: 22 -29

Perseverance and Apostasy: John 6: 60-71

Divided Opinions: John 7: 10 - 36

Rivers of Water: John 7: 37 -39

The Divisions Deepens: John 7: 40-52

Debating Parentage: John 8: 31-47

Greater than Abraham: John 8: 48-59

Healing The Blind: John 9: 1-12

Interrogating the Witness: John 9: 13-23

Excommunicating a Disciple: John 9: 24-34

The Sight of the Blind and the Blindness of the Sighted John 9: 35 -41

Shepard, Sheep, and Robbers. John 10:1-21

In the Temple at Hanukah: John 10:22-42

Announcement of Lazarus Sickness: John 11 :1-16

Comforting Mourners: John 11: 17 - 37

Raising Lazarus: John 11:38-44

The Religious People Plot to Kill Jesus: John 11: 45-57

The Reality of Heaven John 12:1-11

No gospel limitations: John 12:12 -22

Jesus Death Approaches:John 12: 23-34